Sunday, June 22, 2008


a small square white one so I don't wake up with baboon lips
an enormous white, smelling slightly of sulfur, to metabolize livah sugah
an oblong white one that may or may not keep T & K cells from killing other tissues-the one that gives me technicolor dreams
two suspicious and expensive capsules, one burgundy and one pink, that regulate synapse juice and perhaps keep me from committing homicidal acts while riding public transportation
old big blue that keeps the leaky ticker tickin'
tiny pink fucker that blocks this and promotes that
the amusingly cherry flavored baby aspirin that may prevent years of bad chocolate from imploding
big ole blobs of goo filled with the oils of alaskan cod--perhaps making me a better swimmer or growin' gills
two hard speckled brown oblong honkers with "valerian" and some poor animal's brain in powder form which lull me gently to sleep
three round honkeys that slam me into slumber
and wee willie winkie for the pain in my neck which, like all sneaky fucks, is deceptively strong and keeps me in fog well past it's "effective half-life"

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