A TIME magazine reader writes in response to an article on Sarah Palin asks if he can help it if she reminds him of a simpler, more gentile era?
Oh yeah, dumbass? You must be a white man (no offense to the white men who read this blog). A simpler time. Hmmmm. When bikini-clad women brandished rifles and shot moose from helicopters while their husbands attended secessionist meetings as their teenage children learn about sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies the hard way (from a redneck!) and all the neighbors know that anyone any browner than Oprah is a terrorist at most and a welfare cheat at the least. Yeee Haw! That more gentile era when being dumb as a pig's butt didn't keep you from being thought qualified for public office (well we have our Bushie to thank for that), that wonderful, bucolic time when you could have your homophobic attitudes confirmed by a bellicose preacher and 100 of your closest moose-huntin' buddies at the Church of the Tiny Mind.
Here's another one, from a Huffington Post blog: an Ohio man says that he won't vote for Obama or any Black man because once a Black man becomes president, he and his chocolate chronies will create a "Whitey Revenge" bureau to get vengence for past wrongs and the minorities will rule the White folks. Bahahahahaaaaw! So fie on you, Walgreens security guard who followed me thinking I'd shoplifted something, and you gonna get yours, mother of my would be prom date who wouldn't let her son go with me at the last minute when she found out I was a denizen of a darker hue, and wait for that cap in your ass, small town suburban cops who stopped my mom in the town where we lived because someone with an afro had been accused of shoplifting at the local mall, and watch out David Duke, cuz Al Sharpton is your personal vengence agent, and whooooaaaa nelly, Bill O'Reilly, we're gonna sic Dennis Rodman on you!
Let's not stop there...let's have a "Left Handed Vengence Administration" and a "Kinky Hair Reparations Agency".
Ever heard of Martin Luther the King? And Ghandi? And learning from the past? I realized I'm doing something similar to what you are doing, judging you by one extremely stupid statement you made, but day-um, homey, are you really that ignay?
Someone help us. Pleeeeze.
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