Saturday, April 11, 2015

Writing down the Tired

 I'm a writer. When I don't write, my soul becomes constipated. When I write but don't share some of my writing, my psyche begins to atrophy. There is no Activia yogurt for being stoved up in this manner. But modern day communication has provided an answer: BLOGGING. So I'm taking it up again, despite my fear of not being accepted or understood. Here goes.

 Fuck, I'm tired of the dumb shit. Tired of apologizing for who and what I am. and watching other people have to do likewise. Tired of having to defend my power which isn't what this narrow assed society defines as "real" influence, but a collaborative construct involving respect of other people's stories and the continuing effort to  understand other cultures and ideologies.  Tired of people saying it's about class and not about race. Tired of losing my sense of humor about all of this. Tired of not being able to find clothes that fit or finding the clothes that do are 3 or 4 times as expensive as clothes in lesser sizes. And tired about not quite knowing how to effectively fight the fight. Tired of having to call it a "fight."Sheeeit.

And I'm tired of giving in to those who say solutions aren't simple, for example:

We could fund free college educations to hundreds of thousands of students by  NOT building one more useless aircraft carrier.

We could effectively combat police violence against people of color by having country wide peaceful protests and town meetings to pressure federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to review and fix their racist policies (as happened in Ferguson and in the highly successful Civil Rights Movement).

We could all vote and thereby exercise our uniquely American right to MANDATE that our legislative representatives stop all of this schoolyard bullshit and actually work together.

We could boycott media outlets that have  distanced themselves from the real tenants of journalism and consistently sensationalize  every story.  I dig the cat befriends owl stories, though, but I'm pretty convinced that the cat will eat the owl in the next frame.

We could stop shaming people for being "different." Lots of women like to have lots of sex with lots of different men. They are not sluts. Lots of men eat lots of french fries. They are not lazy because they are overweight. Lots of people like to pierce their noses. They are not freaks though I wonder about what happens when they blow.

I know it's all so overwhelming so let us pick one. We all want a better world. And clothes that don't look like tented tablecloths and that cost 1/4 of our monthly salary.

And let's admit that the cat and the owl could lay down together but it's in the feline nature to eat birds. CHOMP.

 This week in Designation Despicable:
(please imaging a jpg of daffy duck here because I don't have the dough to pay the licensing fee)

Ted Cruz enrolls in Obamacare
If you can't lynch 'em and destroy their ideas, join 'em! Those who are fighting the federal health care law shot themselves in the foot thinking that calling it ''Obamacare' is perjorative. Ha!

Sign my petition:
Federal level action to stop modern day lynching

And I ain't afraid to admit that though I'm a middle aged woman I still have to apologize to my mother, my biggest fan, for cursing in this post. Sorry Momm!

1 comment:

ruth housman said...

I just read this and I kept nodding all the way down, not nodding sleep, but nodding tired, of it all, like you, and LIKE you, as you know. It feels like what is plain as the knows on our face, it's not rocket science to make the world a far far better, more compassionate place, and humor sure takes the edge off what is truly edgy, about life's slings and arrows. It feels like we all got arms in a sling, as in not yet, doing arms around the world, group hugs, and rather the arms race, which is so totally not solving anything, and yet, we persevere, the world does, in severe when it could be sunlight and roses, and close for all, and clothes for all. Well that's just me, putting out a little rant.